The Brilliant Tom Ford

Posted by thekellytang On 9:02 AM

If you don't know who Tom Ford is, and your in fashion, you need to know him right now! 

Good thing, because I've found a few interviews that show how brilliant he is not only as a designer but a person as well. If you don't know who he is, he used be the creative director at Gucci and YSL for 15 years. He is definitely one of the top guns in fashion. And now his come out with his elegant, and sexy self-titled fashion label! I love featuring these creative minds, because they've really seen and done a lot in the fashion industry so its always interesting to hear what they say or how they feel about various topics.

Some wise words from Mr. Ford himself: 
  •  "I believe you should do something and then talk about it. I believe [that you're] giving away energy when you talk about things."- Tom Ford, Which might prove why he was so successful, because according to a NYU study, Four different tests of 63 people found that those who kept their intentions private were more likely to achieve them than those who made them public and were acknowledged by others. Maybe his on to the secret of success. ;) 
  • And I think his on to something about people and his inspiration from nature and animals: "We’ve lost our contact with the earth. Dogs don’t have guilt, dogs don’t have insecurity complexes, dogs don’t think that they need a bigger house than the other dog. Dogs are just completely themselves. They’re very in touch, they’re not thinking about their death. They are just rolling on their back, enjoying what that feels like. I think that is sort of the appeal of animals in our lives; that is what’s important."
  •  "Our culture is very much about that; we are never happy with what we have today. We always think that we need something else to be happy."
  • "When you find somebody good, keep them! Keep them in your life."
Coming from some one who's been in the industry so long, I really respect his opinions. And his also not usually very open about himself, which I feel I can relate to sometimes. As a designer, sometimes  I just enjoy staying behind the scenes and not really partying all the time. He shows how down to earth some fashion designers can be. And how un-glamourous it really is.

How do you feel about Tom Ford?

PS : <3 Photo shoot is today, and I'm super excited!! Its the first one I've planned, and I'm glad everything worked out. :) More detailed post in the hopefully near future! <3 

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5 Responses to 'The Brilliant Tom Ford'

  1. Danielle said...'> July 28, 2011 at 10:02 AM

    Tom Ford is awesome. I really like the quotes you shared. We have to be in touch with ourselves, nature, and a supportive community to truly be. I am writing some of these down now. Good luck with your photoshoot today - it'll be sweet!


  2. Kyla said...'> July 28, 2011 at 11:53 AM

    I had only ever heard of Tom Ford before, but didn't know too much about him. This quote is so true though, "We always think that we need something else to be happy." He definitely sounds insightful.
    Thanks for sharing this!


  3.'> July 28, 2011 at 5:52 PM

    Love your quotes and writing and adore Tom Ford. Miss him at Gucci.



  4. Additionsstyle said...'> July 29, 2011 at 1:03 PM

    I love Tom Ford! His designs are beautiful and I have read that he is an all around nice guy. Great quotes.
    Everyday Inspired


  5. Unknown said...'> July 29, 2011 at 7:03 PM

    This is a post to be kept. Tom Ford's quotes should never be forgot. :)


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