I like to believe people are still kind and good, or trying to be.
Sometimes its more important to believe in the good than give into the skepticism.
Sometimes its more important to believe in the good than give into the skepticism.
Sometimes its hard to remember that people act in certain ways because of certain circumstances, and environments. Rather than them being rude for the sake of being rude. Everyone has lived and is still living and has a story to be told. No matter how big or small.
So don't give up on people, strangers, friends, and family, All you can do is be kind. Its something I have difficulties with but slowly trying to change that everyday. Be kind even if others aren't.
Sweet reminders to being just a little nicer:
<3 I love this post, about how "strangers are just friends you haven't met yet." And how a photographer befriends strangers.
<3 Kindness is always fashionable. - Amelia Edith Barr
<3 Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author Unknown
<3 We're all human and "everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something." ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
<3 SMILE. :) Its good for you and can brighten someone else's day too.
What do you think? Can you be just a little nicer? :)
I know I'll be trying to be nicer, just because its already a rough world out there, and being rude to rude people just creates more bad vibe. I sound like a hippy but yeah mean, peace and have an amazing week! ☮
photos via weheartit
It's easier to be rude than being nice and sometimes people just don't have the strength to fight that.
I'll try to be more nice too. :)
I know I've been in situations where I didn't handle things well - be it with a sibling, friend, or parent. It's not until about five minutes later when I realize "Why did I just act like that?" As a personal goal, I've tried to think through what I say and do. If I make a conscious decision to be nicer, ultimately I will be nicer. And it kind of gives yourself a little boost :) Thanks for this reminder! It's something we all need to hear!
trust me i think i'm one of THE most nicest people - i never argue - don't lose my temper - always let cars in front of me, zero road rage - i'll always go the extra mile for anyone! .. prob is, not many people are like me, and i get dissapointed by that A LOT
*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
I will try to be nicer, I think I just forget about that sometimes... Thank you for this post!
i so agree with this post ~ i sometimes think that most people believe that being nice is a sign of weakness, not true in my humble opinion!! great reminder!! and i love your photo!
xo ~ kristina
very sweet post! it always rings true- treat others how you want to be treated :)
I agree with you and that's so true. Great post :)
I think we could all be a lil bit nicer - kindness is free after all xx
I totally agree! Like, if I'm at a shop or grocery store and the person working is not friendly, I try to be extra friendly to them. They may have just had a string of rude customers that made their day hard. Sometimes I think smiles really are contagious. :)
Agreed. We all fight our own battles, and we all get by with what we have!
Just keep at it. There are still a few of us good peeps out there!