"BRING IT ON 2012!!"<--- This is pretty much how I'm feeling about 2012. I just have a feeling that it's going to be a better year than 2011! :) Resolutions/dreams/goals, whatever you may call them, I'm making things happen this year! :)
- Launching my new website and online shop.
- Collaborate with local DC/MD/VA folks (I'm looking to collaborate with fellow bloggers, artists, photographers, and etc! Just shoot me an email: kelly@thekellytang.com)
- Get my business organized, financially and structurally.
- Using this blog as a way to keep me accountable. And being consistent with it.
- Continue designing collections and creating new clothes, accessories and whatever else my little heart desires.
- Get back into shape health wise, say hello to yoga.
- Taking more photos, because a) I don't like lugging around my camera b) I can be camera shy. But I'm letting go of excuses and trying to document more of my life.
- Be more grateful for the moment, and living in the present.
What are some of your plans/goals/dreams for the new year? I'd love to hear about them!
Photo via Fancy
Good luck with your goals! :) I'm also going to try to get better with photography/take more photos.
yay, fabulous goals!!! I know that you will accomplish them all!! this is going to be a great 2012!!!!
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If you believe it, let it be! Writing down your determinations is much more solidfying than just thinking them.
Personally, I want to do more strength training. That's the end of "better shape" I'm leaning towards.
Sounds like you have a good plan in place and you are ready to take on 2012! I look forward to following your success throughout the year.
Everyday Inspired
Great resolutions/dreams.. It actually very similar to mine as well. Wish we'll achieve our goals this year! xo akiko
Style Imported
Loving your resolutions, they're all such grounded ones that sound like they're actually attainable (I hate vague ones like "Get back in shape'). Especially loving the one of living in the present, something that I'm working on myself!
Alexandra xo
Your goals are incredibly detailed. KEEP UP w/ THEM! My only resolution was to get a job that I love and am happy with!
xo Sherrie
Closet Hound
Happy New Year beautiful! :)